At Zallzo, we’re dedicated to bringing you the hottest handbag brands at the best prices. Our team is constantly searching for the latest trends and most sought-after brands, ensuring that you have access to the most stylish and highest quality bags available. Whether you're looking for a classic design or a trendy new look, our extensive collection has something to complement every style and aesthetic. Explore our handbags and discover how easy it is to find the perfect bag that matches your personal taste.
We believe that you shouldn’t have to sacrifice functionality for style. At Zallzo, our selection of handbags combines both, offering practical features without compromising on design. From spacious compartments to adjustable straps, our bags are crafted to meet your everyday needs while keeping you fashionable. With our focus on premium quality and trendy brands, you can trust that each bag is made to last, providing durability and reliability for your busy lifestyle.
Our competitive prices mean you don’t have to choose between high-end brands and budget-friendly options. With such great deals, you can effortlessly pick up a stylish bag for everyday use and another for those special occasions. Experience how Zallzo makes it possible to enjoy the best of both worlds, with fashionable, durable handbags that won’t break the bank.
Contact Us
Visit Zallzo
621 W 3900 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84123
Hours of Operation
Monday-Saturday: 10:00 A.M.- 7:00 P.M.
Sunday- CLOSED
Phone#: 385-509-5112